Female pleasure and the tools we use to experience it are so widely misunderstood, and fear and shame around the female orgasm is perpetuated throughout society.
These are just four MYTHS that we've seen recently in forums, groups, and social media posts that serve to disempower women's voice and choice when it comes to pleasure.
You deserve great pleasure! Don't let these Myths about vibrator use keep you from exploring your pleasure potential.
MYTH: Vibrators can only be used alone.
TRUTH: While masturbating with vibrators is an amazing way to tap into your body and experience pleasure, adding sex toys to partnered sex is absolutely normal, helps to close the "orgasm gap" and can be a euphoric and empowering experience for both people.
MYTH: Using a vibrator will make you numb.
TRUTH: While I suppose this is potentially possible, there is no scientific evidence to support this widespread MYTH. If anything, vibrator use in my experience over the past 10 years has made me more sensitive to all kinds of stimulation.
Plus all vibrators are not created equally. Some are designed to get you to clitoral orgasm fast and hard, while others are much more gentle and add to an overall experience. You may want different vibrations on different days depending on where you are in your cycle, personal preference, and a myriad of other factors.
Like anything, you can of course take vibrator use too far. As Dr. Emily Morse states and elaborates on in her book Smart Sex, "there is an important distinction between pleasure as presence and pleasure as numbing."
So, just because it's possible to use vibrators to "numb out" or to the point of numbing, does not mean vibrators will make you numb. They won't.
MYTH: Once you use a vibrator you won't be able to orgasm without it.
TRUTH: First of all, how often are you orgasming without using a vibrator? If it's not every time (which is totally common for women BTW), then maybe it's time to consider trying one.
Again there is no scientific evidence for this MYTH. There are so many ways to orgasm. Using a vibrator will not kill your ability to have an internal orgasm, an oral sex orgasm, or any other type of orgasm if you're already having them! They add to, not take away from, your experience.
MYTH: Using a vibrator means there is something wrong with you (or your partner).
TRUTH: Vibrators CANNOT replace kissing, sensual touch, atmosphere, words, and all the other factors that make partnered sex great. (This a fear that keeps many heterosexual men from suggesting using one with their partner- newsflash men: a vibrator is NOT going to replace you.)
There is nothing wrong with you if you struggle to orgasm without a vibrator, or you simply enjoy using one.
These myths about vibrator use serve to perpetuate fear and shame, and disempower women from taking control over their own pleasure. If you've considered trying a vibrator for the first time, this is your permission to GO FOR IT! Try a few different toys to discover what you like and how far your orgasms can take you.
Remember: There is no shame in using sex toys alone or with a partner. The possibilities for pleasure are never ending.